
Language training
Basel / Basel region

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    Training Facilities/Office
    Minnaar van Wyk
    Personalized Language Services

    Hammerstrasse 14
    4058 Basel

    Language training Basel

    Cross-cultural, task-oriented and simply good!

    What is cross-cultural language training?
    At cross-cultural language training in the Basel region different cultures meet. Participants not only learn the language but also discover titbits about the culture. In addition, you can engage with the other participants and the teacher.
    The aim of cross-cultural language training in Basel is not only to learn the language, but to promote a cultural exchange, i.e. bring people from different cultures into contact.

    What is task-oriented language training?
    The language training is task-oriented. That means, participants do not only acquire theoretical knowledge but have to apply their skills in the framework of different tasks. The tasks to perform at cross-cultural language training in Basel stem from daily situations and cover different areas.
    The aim throughout is to prepare participants as best as possible for the use of the foreign language. These can be oral or written exercises. This could entail reading texts, problem solving or conversing with other course participants. The skills gained at cross-cultural language training in Basel in this way are deepened and applied practically.

    What is good foreign language training?
    Good foreign language training should always be personally aligned with the individual course participants. The language should not just be taught but the new-found skills practically applied and used. In addition, participants should learn about the country, the people and experience the culture.
    For this reason, foreign language training is cross-cultural and deals with the people and their culture. It is also important that the training is task-oriented. This is the case at foreign language training Basel. The foreign language training in Basel contains a large number of exercises which allow participants to practically apply their skills which they have acquired at foreign language training in Basel.

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