Training conceived for
Swiss companies
With suitable language training, employees and management staff are prepared for their respective tasks. This training could
involve the creation of a sound basis in the language, industry-specific language training, examination preparation, or simply the consolidation and expansion of existing skills.
Our offer for companies, organizations, groups, one-on-one
Group courses
Interactive training – Group dynamics
To achieve the best learning effect, we work with small groups. This ensures that the newly acquired language skills can be tried and tested immediately – interactively and within a clear context.
One-on-one training
One-on-one training enables you to structure your learning independently of other participants.
One-on-one lessons are particularly suited when:
- – your latest promotion necessitates quick learning
- – your schedule demands maximum flexibility
- – you have very little time before an overseas posting
- – you are an efficient learner or want to improve existing language skills.
English for Life & Work
Funktionsbezogenes Sprachtraining
Englischkurs auf 4 verschiedenen GER Stufen in einem internationalen Konzern.
Wir sind darauf spezialisiert, Mitarbeitern, Managern, Fach- und Führungskräften das Erlernen und Perfektionieren einer fremden Sprache unter optimalen Bedingungen zu ermöglichen.
Zielpublikum: Mitarbeiter, die ihr Hörverständnis und Konversationsfähigkeit verbessern wollen.
Erfolgreiche Prüfungsvorbereitung
Die Bedeutung von Sprachzertifikaten im beruflichen Umfeld ist in den letzten Jahren stark gewachsen. Bei Minnaar van Wyk
Personalized Language Services können Sie sich intensiv auf alle wichtigen international anerkannten Sprachzertifikate vorbereiten, ob TELC Language Tests oder Cambridge Certificates.
Unsere Erfolgsquote liegt nahezu bei 100 %.
English for managers
Wir machen Mitarbeiter fit für den Arbeitsmarkt
Fortgeschrittene Englisch-Unterricht für Kaderperson
Zielsetzung: Die Studenten möchten Selbstbewusstsein während Telefonate, in Verhandlungssituationen und in Präsentationen gewinnen.
Industrie: Logistik
Gruppengrösse: Kleinstgruppe, 2 Teilnehmer
Trainer: Minnaar van Wyk
Sprache: Englisch
Relocation package
Anfänger Deutsch
Für Familienmitglieder eines Angestellten einer internationalen Firma im Rahmen eines Umzuges nach Basel.
Zielsetzung: Vorbereitung auf das Leben in Basel, d.h. Sprachtraining und praktische Ratschläge.
Zielpublikum: Industrie, Pharma
Gruppengrösse: Mutter mit Sohn (18 Jahre)
Trainerin: Gabriele Rauch
Swiss German and German
as a foreign language
With Minnaar van Wyk Personalized Language Services your employees and their family members can learn German for their jobs and to advance their integration.
Job-related language advancement consists of intensive language training for workers at all skill levels. Whether a guard on a train or a manager, the content of our courses is carefully tuned to the needs of the individual or group.
These groups have been doing so for some time – and very successfully!
Construction site employees employees who want to refresh and improve their learning German basel
Aim of the course: That employees are able to follow the instructions of the architects and foremen on the building site more easily.
Foreign scientists and professors, recruited by Swiss pharmaceutical companies, can usually conduct their professional activities in Switzerland without any need for German. Generally, they have an excellent command of the corporate language, English, but struggle in situations outside work where English is less widely spoken.
Aim of the course: German instruction to facilitate the integration of young academics into their social environment in Basel. This course is usually taught using at least one other foreign language.
Spouses of managers who have moved to Switzerland for professional reasons. Apart from teaching vocabulary and grammar, the role of this course in integration is very important. For a Japanese family, where do I find the best fish in the region? Where do I find the right doctor for an American spouse? These topics play a defining role in moulding the course.
Aim of the course: A social and cultural exchange which trains the hands-on, everyday German needed in the greater Basel area.
Examination preparation
Your route to success in the examination!
Would you like to take a German examination?
We can optimise your preparation for the following examinations:
Goethe-Zertifikat A1 Goethe-Zertifikat A2 | Goethe-Zertifikat B1 Goethe-Zertifikat B2 | Goethe-Zertifikat C1 : TestDaF Goethe-Zertifikat C2 : GDS weitere Informationen: |
telc Deutsch A2 telc Deutsch A2 + Beruf | telc Deutsch B1 telc Deutsch B1 + Beruf telc Deutsch B1 - B2 telc Deutsch B2 telc Deutsch B2 + Beruf telc Deutsch B2 - C1 | telc Deutsch C1 telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule telc Deutsch C2 (ZOP) weitere Informationen: |
The importance of language qualifications in the corporate environment has drastically increased during the last few years.
At Minnaar van Wyk Personalized Language Services you can prepare intensively for all important, internationally recognized certificates, be it the TELC Language Tests or the Cambridge Certificates. Our courses have something suitable for you too.